We are a full scale video production company based in Seattle, WA.

(sure, but what does that even mean?)


"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - Abraham Lincoln

We think 4 hours for sharpening is a little overkill, but we agree with the general message…

Pre-production is all of the nitty gritty prep before the production even starts. It's where scripts get penned, actors are cast, and everything gets set up for the big show. It often feel like a luxury, but is the greatest necessity for a successful production.

Creative Ideation/Collaboration, Script writing, Hiring Cast and Crew, Location Scouting and Booking, Equipment Rentals and planning, scheduling and creating backup plans!


Creative Ideation/Collaboration, Script writing, Hiring Cast and Crew, Location Scouting and Booking, Equipment Rentals and planning, scheduling and creating backup plans! 〰️


Production is the action-packed phase where cameras roll, actors perform, and the magic is captured on film or digital media. It's where the creative plans come to life, and the real excitement happens.

Managing, Producing and Directing, Actors, Talent, Crew, Equipment, Location, Makeup, Craft Services, and whatever comes up (something always does).


Managing, Producing and Directing, Actors, Talent, Crew, Equipment, Location, Makeup, Craft Services, and whatever comes up (something always does). 〰️


Post-production is like the magic behind the scenes in video/filmmaking. It's the phase where the footage gets a makeover—video editing, sound tweaking, color sprucing, and special effects wizardry (our personal favorite). This is where the pieces come together, turning a bunch of shots into a seamless, polished masterpiece that grabs attention and tells a story. It's the final touch that gets your video ready-for-the-world, and it’s quite satisfying.

Visual FX/Animation, Video Editing, Audio Design, Motion Graphics, Color Correction, Scoring, File Management, Feedback, Revisions, and Final Deliverables... and other things that are too boring for the list.


Visual FX/Animation, Video Editing, Audio Design, Motion Graphics, Color Correction, Scoring, File Management, Feedback, Revisions, and Final Deliverables... and other things that are too boring for the list. 〰️